The new book by Dr Jean Fils-Aimé.
Publication date: August 22, 2021
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In the West, «being black» is a place assigned to you, that of the lowest social echelon. «To be black» is to be the bearer of a crime that does not speak its name, to the point of running the constant risk of being stopped by the police, up to fi ve times more than other communities.
«To be black» is to have an unemployment rate that is twice as high as other communities.
«To be black» is to earn a lower salary than others, for equal skills and experience.
«To be black» is to be the subject of derogatory jokes that tend to maintain racial prejudice.
«To be black» is to endure, to bear the brunt of the enrichment of the West and to be content with the crumbs.
«To be black» is to be a passive spectator of your own destiny and to let others decide for you. There you have it, the western matrix of the making of black.
However, once we understand the mechanisms of the Western fabrication of the Negro, we have two choices, to accept this state of aff airs, like a fate and perpetuate our situation, or to break the matrix, to take our destiny in hand, to change our situation. Let’s come out and take the place we deserve.